jeudi 16 février 2012

Tunisia what's the Vision ?

Par Eya Frioui 

I usually start my day by asking a lot of questions ; some of it  nice cool easy & most of all , it sounds funny for others . But some of it , it's not that funny at all & trying to find the right answer , this , is how i spend the rest of the day .I always wondered if people should do the same or they  just need to live their own days without any questions & no answers .For some reasons i believe that this kind of lifestyle wont be famous any more in Tunisia from now on .
Today it's 14 January 2012 !! Yes Sir , exactly , you are right ! it's the first Birthday of the Tunisian revolution ...It has been a whole year since the famous "Dégage" ,  a year from the day when "People wanted to break the rules" & Yes sir , i am Tunisian ! Too lucky right? Well back to questions & how lucky my people is ? No ! not asking about this .
Today i am supposed to be happy satisfied & i have to celebrate the change , instead of it i can't be sure how i feel exactly but i am sure that i want some answers for some different questions, other than the questions that every one is asking on newspapers on tv on radio even in the street .
As all Tunisians i have my own hopes , fears & plans and as all the Tunisians i am not sure about the coming days , about where are we going & when would every thing be finally ok. My concerns about my country leads me to a lot of questions marks .

Today i want an answer to :
·                     what a COUNTRY is ?
·                     What do you exactly mean by a Country ?
·                     What a free country is ?
·                     Sharing a country ? Living in the same country ?
·                     What does it mean to be a part of a FREE COUNTRY ?
·                     How can you help ,your way ,to find the good answer while a huge majority knows that we can't be sure what would be the right answer ..
All of us have friends & people that we want to trust , even if they did let us down once , we keep making this natural reaction & trust them one more time and we hope deep inside that they wont do it again , they wont hurt us again .What makes you forgive others , trust  others again & share again .Isn't stupid  to forgive people who did hurt us ?Isn't fool to trust them again ?Why are we doing it , all of us ?

Well the only answer i got , is that  , we need to forgive & forget as fast as possible . We do it for ourselves ! We do that, to be happy .It's as simple as it sounds , a simple reason : we are human , we need to trust & to be trusted !The Tunisian revolution did teach me so much till now , the revolution told me so much about who we really are .
I studied the Tunisian history as all the students in school for years & years but what i remember the most was the Tunisian revolution 2011 & the moments i lived & shared with others .
Lesson one from our revolution was : The things that we say and do , this tells a lot about us , but not every thing . What you say dont always reveal what you really feel .There is so much to tell say & share ..,so much,even if people are talking everyday since 14 January 2011 ,  i still consider that the real talking and sharing is yet to come .
The real Tunisian conversation & dialogue didnt start till now !!
Since we are talking about the revolution , let 's first understand what does this word means  for us , a revolution means a fundamental change in structures , politics & manners . 
It's not about writing a new constitution , it's a about changing minds & a way of living & thinking . Revolution is not about ideology or some changes in culture economy or political institution , revolution is about PEOPLE .
All revolutions turns around the same dilemma
·                     Ethics
·                     Communication
·                     Wealth & it's distribution
·                     Happiness & satisfaction 
I really wonder if our Tunisians did really understand their needs & demands . Before even arguing about the goverment and it's performance . We need a clear answer about the Tunisians needs !
So Tunisians would you please make a list of your top priorities .
·                     Tunisians what's your vision ?
·                     What do you want now ?
·                     What do you want FIRST ?
·                     What do you need now ?
·                     What a revolution is for ?
·                     What are your final goals ?
Once you fix your top priorities then you can deal with the goverment you voted for ...
After a year from the revolution that made from Tunisia an epitome for Freedom & symbol of determination , please Tunisian dont miss this chance  .It's all about FAITH & Courage then comes the way to do it through planning & organisation .
Tunisian fix you priorities & get to know each other!! Do some listening & avoid judging .
Tunisians you need to ask yourselves the real answers . What's a country for you ? Is it only  about  providing a nice house, new car , good job & stable life . Is it about incomes in a year ? What about others ? Tunisians are you willing to share your country ?
A country is a group of people who have so much to share , other than common language history geography & RELIGION . You need to share the same vision maybe with various goals but still have the same aim & hope for a better futur for your country, where you should all live peacefully to be able tp product & build  .
You dont have to know everything about everything or everyone , you need to share trust & believe in yourself  .We dont need to change who we really are to please others ! We can find our way into the group & have our own added value with trust faith determination & will to build .
We are not suppose to change each other , all we need is to listen to each other & understand each others . Be a good listener , try to understand instead of judging , try to forgive instead of keeping the negative energy in .
People you need to FORGET FORGIVE & MOVE ON !! That's the key to success.
My part of the job is to say something true about who am i & never mind or fear   who you can be . The point you are Tunisian ! 
I am sharing all of this so you would think about it & try to give something back to Tunisia because in a year from 14 January 2011 , i want to ask you TUNISIANS ARE YOU HAPPY ? ARE YOU SATISFIED ?

Please try to answer this .

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